Wednesday 28 October 2020



Sharing kindness

One day Kuroo and his mate Kenma were going to Tokyo. In Tokyo they were grabbing sushi and on the way when they were getting sushi they saw Shoyo Hinata and Bokuto all four of them were so excited just to see each other so Kuroo asked Bokuto and Shoyo Hinata to grab some sushi Hinata said yes I would love to have some sushi Bokuto said I got no money and so Kuroo said I will pay for your food Bukuto said Thank you Kuroo and so all four of went to the shop and Bokuto said Hey hey hey can i have food.So now they are all eating sushi and so Bokuto said Kuroo you want anything in return Kuroo said I will be ok Bokuto and so Bokuto still wanted to give something into return so he got a volleyball.Bokuto gave his gift to Kuroo he was so grateful.

Tuesday 20 October 2020